Statement of Intent

This policy sets out how Jo Daughters of Hypnotherapy Bournemouth uses and protects the information you provide when accessing the website and using my services.

I intend to ensure any personal data you provide is kept secure, managed respectfully and only used for the purposes for which it has been provided.

This policy will be updated periodically in line with current legislation.


What is Personal Data?

Personal Data refers to any information that you disclose that describes or relates to your personal circumstances. In the context of providing you with bespoke therapy sessions your Personal Data may include:

  • Title, name, address, date of birth, gender, marital status, nationality, contact details
  • Family details
  • Psychological and physical health status and history
  • Details of current and past treatments
  • Other personal information

How do I Collect Your Personal Data?

When you initially contact me via my website, phone or email I will normally collect your name, email address, telephone number and any information you choose to share regarding the purpose of your enquiry.

If you choose to proceed to make an appointment with me I will send you a copy of this Privacy Policy via email so you are aware in advance how I will use information provided in the course of our sessions together.

At our initial meeting you will provide further sensitive Personal Data as outlined above in order to establish current challenges and therapy needs. This may on occasion be provided by email.

I will ask you at your appointment if you wish to receive promotional/further information about services I may offer in the future, or about well being in general. If you do not wish to receive such information you will be asked to tick a box to confirm this and I will not contact you for these purposes.

I will ask you for your GP contact details and some basic health information: there are some conditions that are contra indicated for hypnotherapy and sometimes there are circumstance where it may be necessary to contact your GP before commencing therapy. I will inform you of this at our appointment should this appear appropriate.

I may also take brief notes of our discussions during our sessions together for the purpose of aiding your therapy and or identifying/producing scripts which will be used in sessions and/or which can be sent to you via email/text to listen to between sessions.

I will ask you for the details of your next of kin: this is used very rarely and only in emergency situations.

You do not have to consent to the collection of information, however, if you choose not to provide it, I may not be able to work with you.


How Do I Use Your Personal Data?

  • I use your Personal Data to make contact with you by phone,text or email to arrange/change appointments where necessary or to respond to any queries you may have in relation to your therapy
  • I may use your email address or  mobile phone number for the purpose of sending a recording for you to listen to or further learning materials
  • In order to provide bespoke therapy sessions
  • I may also use this information to improve my services

Storage of Your Personal Data

Your privacy is of utmost importance to me and I intend to ensure any Personal Data you provide is kept secure and confidential. Your Personal Data will be retained by me in my paper files, mobile devices and on my computer systems (websites, email, hard drives and cloud facilities). This information can only be accessed by me and only when it is necessary to provide my services to you and to provide any administration tasks with or incidental to that service.

For the purpose of clarity, I do not receive or retain your bank details.

Sharing Your Personal Data

On occasion your Personal Data may be shared with:

  • My personal supervisor, for the purpose of discussing any challenges arising during your therapy. Any information shared will be provided in such a way as to prevent you from being directly identified. In any event my supervisor is also bound by a code of ethics and client confidentiality
  • The County Court, only for the purposes of pursuing any non-payment of Hypnotherapy Bournemouth fees, including session fees and late cancellation of session fees. The sharing of Personal Data in this event is usually limited to your name, address(es) and the total of outstanding fees.
  • I will only use the information for the purposes that I have stated above. I uphold the common law principles of confidentiality where the duty to keep confidence is measured against the concept of ‘greater good’. If in my opinion as a therapist there is good reason to believenot to disclose would cause danger or serious harm to self, the therapist or others then your GP or other appropriate agencies may be contacted. Only information required to ensure safety of relevant parties would be disclosed.Information may have to be disclosed without consent for the prevention, detection or prosecution of a crime. The sharing of anonymous case histories with supervisors and peer support groups is not a breach of professional confidentiality.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Under the GDPR regulations effective from May 2018 you have rights in relation to your Personal Data

  • To request how I use your Personal Data – This Privacy Policy
  • To request in writing a copy of your Personal Data, which I will provide within 30 days of your request
  • To ask me to correct, delete or require me to restrict or stop using your Personal Data. This does not include any data I am obliged to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes.
  • To request that I send an electronic copy of your Personal Data to another organisation should you wish.
  • To change the basis of any consent you may have provided to enable me to contact you in the future (including withdrawing any consent in its entirety)
  • I will not contact you for marketing purposes unless you have given me specific consent to do so.
  • Given the nature of our work I am required to hold your details for a period of 7 years, after this your information will be securely destroyed.
  • The right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling: I will not use your information for profiling purposes.

ICO registraion Nos: TBA


How to make contact with Hypnotherapy Bournemouth in relation to the use of your Personal Data

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement or wish to make contact in order to exercise any of your rights set out within it please contact Jo Daughters, Hypnotherapy Bournemouth, 33 Avon Ave, Ringwood, Hants BH24 2BQ, Telephone 07734 745555 or email





